Designed for science education
The Biochrom WPA CO7500 colorimeter is a value for money instrument that has been designed for use in educational establishments such as schools and colleges. It is compact, lightweight and ergonomically designed to withstand student use! This makes it ideal for use in busy teaching laboratories. The large display is easy to read and the instrument is simple to both set up and use, giving rapid results. The samples can be measured in either standard or semi micro 10mm pathlength cuvettes or in 16mm diameter test tubes (adapters for 10/12 mm test tubes are available). Available in mains only or mains /internal rechargeable NiMH battery versions.
Measures Absorbance, % Transmission and simple kinetics. When used in kinetics mode – to study rates of reaction, for example – the CO7500 colorimeter takes readings approximately every second and these can be sent to a chart recorder (via the analogue output) if required. Alternatively, the results could be downloaded to an Excel spreadsheet for graphing and other manipulation using the appropriate accessories.
Low maintainance
The CO7500 colorimeter is designed to make life easier for technical staff, and to be low maintainance under demanding conditions. The eight filters (440, 470, 490, 520, 550, 580, 600 and 680nm) are encased in an integral filter wheel so filters cannot be accidentally lost or damaged. With no lid needed, this robust instrument is easy to use, clean and store. There is a drain hole at the bottom of the cell compartment so that spillages do not affect the instrument. Lamp life is extended as it is only on during the measurement cycle. Spare lamps are available and easy to install.